Monday, May 25, 2009


Hollywood released its annual list of Beautiful People last month. Deppster topped the list, no violent objection there. However, many of my beautiful ones were ignored. Hollywood is not looking hard enough.

01. Benicio del Toro – If that scandalous elevator incident years back involving Scarlett is to be believed. Muy delicioso. His remarkable performance in "Traffic" surely caused traffic in my aorta and arteries and valve and veins.

02. Daniel Craig – He is beautiful in the tradition of Viggo Mortensen and Val Kilmer, only if Viggo was not too chiseled and Kilmer didn’t pout as much. Craigster assembles his wares way too perfectly. I thought Lawrence Fishburn had the sexiest walk until Craigster in "LayerCake" – just a hint of swagger but a normal gait by all accounts. In "Enduring Love", he was the target of stalking by a man gradually descending towards madness. I mean, if middle-aged males snap out of their sanity over him, how much more the other demographics?

03. Jared Leto – You could drown in those devouring eyes. He wears horrible eye make-up for his band 30 seconds to Mars and still manages to be Edward Scissorhands-beautiful.

04. Justin Theroux – David Lynch saw something in him before everybody did. I am just glad I caught on.

05. James Franco – Playing James Dean, he offered a complex and emphatic performance. He can be dark and broody but when he turns on that goofy smile, he can light up the whole of Africa – a solution to our energy problem.

06. Mads Mikkelsen – Watch “After the Wedding” and “Prague” and you’ll know what I mean. The baby factories don’t produce beautiful men like Mads these days.

Mulled over including John Cusack but he is more cool than beautiful, like Tim Robbins. You imagine hanging out with them, raiding their ref for beer, and puking on their bathroom and they won’t call the sheriff.


Mariaganja said...

I agree with Benicio. Talking about Traffic, it was Don Cheadle that caught my eye, or more accurately his eyes got me. Is he on the list? And Daniel Craig, ah, he is on top of my top five list right now. Jared Leto is Ruby’s favorite from My so-called life.

I keep changing the names of my top five but here are some of the contenders: Don Cheadle, Ralph Fiennes, Daniel Craig, Clive Owen, Al Pacino (out of loyalty, homage to my younger self), — ahhh, my brain can’t seem to think of sexy men at seven am. More to come as I remember them…

tailwagger said...

Your devotion to Cheadle is an epic by now, Jet.

Am I a racist - How come there’s no Black actor in my list? Shame. Well, there’s a mention of Lawrence Fishburn if it counts for anyting. Rapper man hi LL Cool J but I think he has starred in a few movies so he’s my Black guy. Bad, bad. Afterthought na la.

Your list - 3 Brits, 1 Italian-American, 1 Black American. Well distributed.

Somebody challenged me to come up with a Pinoy list. Now that’s a real challenge if I haven’t seen one. For sure, Robin Padilla aka Totoy Bato should be entrenched somewhere between 2 and 3. Totoy!!!