Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Children's Crusade (apologies to Sting)

The political ads are getting pointed criticisms from political pundits – early electioneering and fund-sources are some of the concerns being raised.

I’m not joining the fray. I’ve gotten to this age when I have a clear-eyed understanding of traditional politicians and decorum is not something I expect from them, not by a far shot.

As far as advertisements go, nothing could be as crass as Mike Defensor’s presscon several days ago. Surrounded by his very young children, he went on the offensive about Jun Lozada having kids with different women.

How dirty and cheap could Defensor go to gain the upperhand in this game of political chess? Who advised him that children were good props for this game? Worse, exploiting your own? That’s a big-time low.

Some celebrity-parents spend millions on security just to protect their children. They move heaven and earth to shield their children from the gawkish scrutiny of media.

And here’s this guy who thinks he is smart by pulling his own political stunt. Did we hear media questioning or criticizing what his children were doing at his presscon? And the things he was saying, it was not for children, his or others’, to be exposed to.

Not in front of the children,” responsible parents caution themselves.

I remember an argument between my parents that I witnessed. The two were talking and my father mentioned “kabit.” To my mother’s consternation, I picked it up and asked what “kabit” meant.

Mao na ni Dadoy kay dili ka careful,” I remember my mother admonishing my father. “Fix this up,” she couldn’t hide her censure.

My father being one heck of a frat-boy told me that a “kabit” is a “kiringking,” another new word for me but I liked the ring to it. “What’s a kiringking,” I asked. My father explained that a “kiringking” is a girl who likes boys.

Oh,” I said, “I like boys. I am a kiringking.” Boy, the consternation on my mother’s face again. By then, my father was laughing hard and as my eyes volleyed from my father to my mother, I was befuddled what the hell did I say which my father found funny that my mother found a bit foul.

Parents, they can be a pain in the you-know-where.


Jun Portillo said...

Yeah, pain in the ass. Not all parents though, only parents like Mike Defensor and others…they are real causes of unhappiness. They are pain in the hearts of sincere and responsible Filipinos…they rob our children of a future in this country. Usahay, makarawod na magin Pilipino, usahay diri na dinhi “matam-is pagpuy-an.”

Dyndyn said...

You actually know what part of our parents’ anatomy is a pain, hehe. Oi, it im kasing-kasing, sangkay. Hinay-hinay la, bangin ma-stroke.

An im iroy nga tuna, maano naman yana? Matam-is gad la gihap, diri na la napa-diabetes.

rage, rage against the dying of the light….

Alex said...

It's really the worst time of the year when political ads start flooding our tv. thanks goodness there’s the remote so i immediately chance channels when one of them pops up.

this mike defensor is so gross when he went on national tv to defend his action against lozada. but he looks more like an contravida on a telenovela with his lame excuse.

i wish i had superposers to erase people like him to vanish in the face of the earth forever. lol!

Dyndyn said...

Hehe! Tamayon ba an face value ni Mike Defensor?

Pero sakto ka, patchis gud it nawong ni Defensor. Baga hin goon nga kaupod ni Dick israel nga suruntukon ni Robin Padilla or Ace Vergel, hehe.