Monday, July 6, 2009

The Sun will come out

The internet server (starts with the letter G) was down for a week and for a brief moment, there was this sense of disorientation of some rituals unperformed. What does it matter really if one is not hooked with the so-called "knowledge community" of today's world? Fat deal.

"Patience, patience, patience is what the sea teaches. Patience and faith. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach - waiting for a gift from the sea." (p17, "Gift from the Sea" by Anne Morrow Lindbergh)

Just wait, wait for life to take its course, without the benefit of this technology that in certain ways, promotes domestication or as KM predicting the evolution of capitalism in terms of "annihilation of space by time" has forged an increasing intimacy and God forbid, dependence, on its dominant power and allure.

I can't be psycho, a week without an internet connection. I cannot fill the hours with yoga routines because it's not physically possible yet. The erratic climate dampens any craving for the beach. If there's any margin of profit this forced break allowed, I was able to catch CNN's Talk Asia's sitdown with the ethereal Annie Lennox. I would have missed it because its schedule falls right on my email time. Thank heavens for Annie.


Maria Ganja said...

I watched Annie Lennox, too, utro, utro. hehehe. we have to watch her live, someday.

tailwagger said...

In the meantime, her concert at NY's Central Park can be played over and over.

Her latest collector's album was released in April, do you have it already? Pa-burn, if ever.

Kakarit niya, oi. marisyo nga interviewee. adorable, adorable. i watched the interview twice actually, was able to catch the replay too.