Monday, July 13, 2009

Writing in PigstyLE

It's not your fashionable moleskine but the self-adorned journal serves as a repository of idiotic rants and raves, some aimless ramblings, what-not. Scribblings not suitable for blogging. In his lunacy, the French dramatist A. Artaud is immortalized by this brilliant brush-off which I swallow with more than just a grain of salt: "All writing is garbage. People who come out of nowhere to try to put into words any part of what goes in their minds are pigs."

Ouch! Guilty as charged. Born in the Year of the Pig, I am a pig in Artaud's view. A pig twice over. Oink, oink.

Good thing Artaud didn't live in the era of writers and their piggy banks. What could he have said about writers and their fat writing contracts, sequels, tie-in movies, reading tours, etc.?

Could this be the real cause of the swine flu - horrendous writing, lousy bloging, and the whole shebang? Hence, I shall go back to my notebook of old.

Or I could start making money as a talkbacker for Israel, heaven defend! Israel's Foreign Ministry has earmarked roughly $150T to organize its internet warfare squad and shall privilege those with background in Political Science, Communications, and Law to post pro-Israel responses on various websites. The demise of dignity - how pathetic for Israel and those who will be joining this evil project. You cannot shroud the truth with your logistics. Most of all, you cannot buy respect.

It's easy to say Israel is a pig, ala Artaud but in respect to this lovable animal, I will not. There is no animal comparable to Israel, such an uncalled for insult to God's creatures, big and small. Israel is just, well, being Israel.


Maria Ganja said...

Hey you know what, in Suzanne White's astrology, Pigs and Dragons are compatible. We could marry each other- Hahahaha!

tailwagger said...

Pigs are compatible wtih any animal, we are lovable, bwahaha! No one can resist our piggy charm, ahoi!